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How do I clean my unsealed floor?

The kitchen floor tiles in our new house have either not been sealed, or sealant has worn off.

They become dirty and marked very easily.

I have used a heavy duty steam cleaner- which helped- but it's not practical to use on a daily basis.

What would you advise?

Hello Carol

We can more than understand your frustration. It does sound like the tiles have like you say either not been sealed or are well overdue for a re-seal.

Firstly we would recommend cleaning the tiles with an LTP product called Grimex, this will remove any old residue and prepare the tiles ready for a new coat of sealer. The tiles will need to be rinsed with plenty of water and allowed to dry thoughly before resealing (roughly 24 hours).

Once sealed, your floor will be protected against everyday spillages and be much easier to clean with the LTP Waxwash and a mop and bucket. The Waxwash is a mild detergent with a trace of linseed oil designed for cleaning the most delicate of surfaces.

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