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Free Samples On All Stone With Speedy Delivery Direct To Your Door!
Free Samples On All Stone With Speedy Delivery Direct To Your Door!

Can I order 6 small samples to show the likely colour variation between the oyster slate tiles?

Can I order 6 small samples to show the likely colour variation between the oyster slate tiles?

Hello Caroline

The very short answer to your question is, yes you can. Customers are more than welcome to order as many samples as they require to help make their choice*.

It is worth noting that the very beauty and appeal of natural stone as a material is that it the variations in colour, texture and patterning will potentially be infinite by its very nature, you may therefore also find our photographs on the website a useful resource when considering the options available.

Should you have any further queries regarding variations or particular stones, please feel free to call our Sales Team on 01283 730388 who will be happy to guide you.

* Samples above the complimentary 2 free, are chargeable as per the website.

Mrs Stone Store 

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